Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Miami to host Wrestlemania 28!!!

Must be nice living in Miami these days.  First, you get gorgeous weather and smoking hot chicks year round.  Then, you win the ol' LeBron James sweepstakes, and now you get Wrestlemania 28.  Sorry Cleveland, maybe you'll get Wrestlemania 29.  It's the age old adage - the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Interestingly, the last time Wrestlemania was held in a "cold weather" city was in 2004 at Madison Square Garden.  This was the one where Chris Benoit won the championship before he, you know, went nuts and decided to kill his family.<awkward silence>  Moving on.....

Regardless, I don't see the trend of holding Wrestlemania in warm climate areas ending anytime soon.  It's much easier to get people (and more importantly, families) to travel and spend their money in a warmer climate.  My money is on a return to SoCal for Wrestlemania 29.  You heard it here first, kids.

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